Small Foods Party Video Project

I participated for several years in the Small Foods Party, a now-defunct annual event celebrating miniature food and food as art. Like many event organizers, they made the choice in early 2021 to hold the event virtually. In trying to look at the bright side, this format provided flexibility of not having to make actual food to feed 300 actual people. Because I was able to approach it more as an art project, I decided to enter the “Bad Idea” category and make a single small food on a very small scale.
The virtual format also gave me an opportunity to practice my media production skills. I recorded and took photos of my process. I used Adobe Photoshop to create title cards and image stills, and used iMovie to edit the plethora of content I’d amassed down to the one minute video limit. It was a very silly project that brought me joy, and also gave me latitude to experiment with professionally useful skills.
PS: Click or tap here for a blooper.